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La Palomera is a space for creation and rehearsal managed by the Vero Cendoya Company. An open space to the city of Barcelona and its creators located in the centre of the city, very close to the Mercat de Sant Antoni.
The laboratories organised at La Palomera are intended to be a meeting place and a cycle of training for professionals in the sector working in an artisanal and close way.

Past laboratories:
Blanca Portillo: El actor creador.
Del 8 al 15 de agosto.
Iván Morales: El teatre urgent.
Del 4 al 9 de marzo.
Clara Segura: La perillositat del joc.
Del 13 al 17 de mayo.
El cos com a espai en moviment.
Del 7 al 11 de octubre.
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